““Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9, ESV) The peacemaker has two distinct characteristics, spiritual marks from Jesus Christ: a person that lives in peace within himself; and, one who is used as an instrument of the peace of God in the world around them. When we are resting comfortably in the Lord Jesus Christ – not looking for a life without trouble but knowing that even in the midst of life’s challenges you will not be blown and tossed by the storm because the peace of Christ – knowing the presence and the provision of Jesus Christ is yours – no matter what is happening on the outside. Knowing and trusting in God’s promises to always be with you and that nothing in all creation can separate you from God’s love in Christ Jesus. To be an instrument of peace in the world around us – we have to be a person at peace within ourselves as stated above; and, demonstrate that and promote peace in Christ in the world as we interact with others. Live in such a way that when a challenge comes along others will notice your peace and your rest even in the challenge and they want what you have. You tell them is not what you have but who has you – resting in the grip of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.