Heavenly Father, as this day draws to a close help me to do an inventory of this day – to see the ways that I was following you and the ways I was not. To ask for and graciously receive forgiveness for my sin and help to grow in Christ and become more like him and less like me. As I move toward the hour of sleep I feel the peace that only you provide and I pray for the many many people who are not finding peace this night or any night because they are not enjoying the wonderful presence and peace that only you can give and so I cry out to you for the deliverance of the lost into the Body of Christ by your grace, through faith in Christ. I pray for those who are cold and lonely, hungry and tired, seeking and not finding, hurting and not knowing how or where to find comfort – Lord help them, Lord help me to be faithful to pray for and seek to minister to them in every way you give me opportunity and to open wide my hand for the meeting of the needs of others. Thank you, Lord, for the greatest blessing of resting tonight in the sure safe place of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.