God has blessed us to partner with Pastor Denis Yabwetsa to share the Gospel in Southern Kenya.

God has made a way for three churches to be built and three wells to be dug. Recently, we are completing a small school for children ages 4 – 6 in Masai area because the trip to the nearest schools are too far and too dangerous for those very young children.

Teaching – we are helping with teaching Bible Classes to all age groups 3-4 days a week when all the classes are meeting. Saturday is for the children, and we feed them as well. One of the classes is for pastors and local church leaders in Migori. We also teach special seminars and other classes as special

Helping to set up 80 families in the Ulanda and Masai Churches with seed and fertilizer to plant a crop during 2021 that will hopefully become self – sustaining going forward.

Encouraging the local people in each of the three areas to assume ownership and responsibility for the wells once they are dug and producing.


We trust God to provide for all things. We do not ever solicit contributions. We have found it proper to make known needs as they arise so that others may participate as  and when God may prompt them.

Food on a weekly basis for the children at about $50-70 dollars per week.

We will pray for God to lead us to another church plant in the near future but in the meantime we need prayer to raise up leaders in the three existing churches to come alongside Pastor Denis.