Morning Prayers

O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth. The  heavens and the earth declare your glory O Lord may everything that has breath praise you O Lord. God may I know, may we all know the majesty of you – how majestic how marvelous, how beautiful, how amazing, how powerful how wonderful in every way, how infinite, how eternal,  how great, how all-knowing, how you are always ever present, how you never  change, how gracious and how loving are you O God. You alone are God – there is none beside you – before you was no one and no thing beside you there is none and after you none exists – you alone are God – who was and is and is to be – Lord there is no where we can go from your presence, how marvelous are your words o Lord, your thoughts are  beyond our imagination, you transcend alle and every thing – you alone are God. May we come into your  presence this moryning and fall upon our faces and cry out holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty, as we bow in your holy presence with  our faces pressed to the ground because of your  powerful and awesome presence – we need nothing more than you O Lord,  our eternal Father, our  wonderful Savior Jesus Christ and the blessed  Holy Spirit – the great one and only God in three persons eternal and so shall you ever and ever be.  We make this prayer  and approach you O Lord in the only way we ever could, through the finished work of Jesus Christ who came and lived a perfect life, God  with us, and took our place upon the cross, the punishment that was mine was upon Him that the righteousness that  was and is HIs could become ours by trusting fully in His finished work – by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Amen. 

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