““You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.” (Matthew 5:13, ESV) Salt is for seasoning, for preserving and for healing. If we belong to Jesus Christ our lives are to serve as a: Seasoning in the world. To give the world the ‘taste’ of Christ by living with our eyes on Jesus, by walking in the steps of Christ. When we give control over our thinking and speaking and doing to Jesus – we bring the seasoning of Christ to all who come near. A preservative. God alone preserves our relationship to himself in Christ Jesus. But all Christians are to be mutual encouragers of one another. When we are living with our eyes on Jesus, the Christ in us (Galatians 2:20) acts as a preservative to ourselves and others. Healing. There is only one ultimate healing that matters. To be made right with God, to be made right with the one who made us for this specific purpose – to be in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. When we live daily looking to and depending on Jesus Christ, the light of Christ in us is an encouragement to the lost world around us to turn to Jesus. If we lose our saltiness – we are of no use to the kingdom. God has not saved us just to keep us from hell but to make us over into the likeness of Christ that the flavor of Christ will season the world around us in Jesus name. Amen.