Morning Prayer

For who you are and for what you do I bow and give you praise and glory and honor Help me to live today with my eyes on you, to live This day in light of who you are and who you created Each of us to be – Christ centered, God loving, unselfish, Fully surrendered Christians May I live today in a way that lets the salt of the presence of Jesus Christ season everyone I come in contact with and may the light of the Lord Jesus Christ shine through me so as to point others to Christ Jesus I confess I have sinned against you and ask for your forgiveness and cleansing and I also forgive others of anything they may have done against me. Lord, I pray for those who are Not Christians to be saved Christians to grow and mature in Christ Sick to be healed Without basic necessities to be provided for Hurting in their hearts to be comforted Addicted to be freed May the word of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you and may they honor you in every way for You O Lord are due all glory and honor and praise today and forever in Jesus’ name. Amen For who you are and for what you do I bow and give you praise and glory and honor Help me to live today with my eyes on you, to live This day in light of who you are and who you created Each of us to be – Christ centered, God loving, unselfish, Fully surrendered Christians May I live today in a way that lets the salt of the presence of Jesus Christ season everyone I come in contact with and may the light of the Lord Jesus Christ shine through me so as to point others to Christ Jesus I confess I have sinned against you and ask for your forgiveness and cleansing and I also forgive others of anything they may have done against me. Lord, I pray for those who are Not Christians to be saved Christians to grow and mature in Christ Sick to be healed Without basic necessities to be provided for Hurting in their hearts to be comforted Addicted to be freed May the word of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you and may they honor you in every way for You O Lord are due all glory and honor and praise today and forever in Jesus’ name. Amen

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