Lord, as this new day starts I am so blessed for you to have shown me yet once again it is not that I must see what you are doing – for much of what you have done – in creation and since that has been done outside the eyes of man – it is that I may you are God and trust you it is that I do not have to know where this day will take me but that it is you O Lord who leads that I do not have to know who I will meet today but to know that whomever and wherever I meet them they are your creation and I have encountered them as a part of your gracious and perfect plan for my life Lord, it is not the place I find but it is you O Lord who are my refuge and my fortress – I can know beyond knowing that whatever this day holds – you hold the day and you hold me in Christ Jesus and so I can enter into the darkness and the unknown with a joy and a peace to know that my Savior lives and to know that my Savior saves and to know that my Savior does not show me the way – you are the Way – to know that my Savior doesn’t guide me to truth you are Truth – my Savior does not have to lead me to life you are Life – you O Lord Jesus are my everything and it is when I hear you call and say “come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest” it is not to a place or a particular form of belief but to a person – the person of Jesus Christ who is the Way, who is the Truth and who is the Life that I come and as I trust and rest in the person of Jesus – the way becomes clear, the truth is evident and life is more real than ever before. Lord Jesus I come to you and lay down life and say all that I am and all that I have is yours, is in you, is from you is to you – Lord to you I give myself away and Lord let me never take myself back from you again – come Lord Jesus come -Amen.